Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year 2009

Brand new day, brand new year, still the same old me living in the same old world. I'm still working at same old company...

2009 will be the thoughest year for everybody. Global economic crisis will effect everybody, every economic sector including oil & gas. (which I'm apart in the sector)

My plan for 2009...
1. Went to KK for my cooking leasson, (my December in plan, insyallah).
2. Continued my studies in Uni (PJJ) at USM
3. Naik gunung (it's very long time I never done something like this)
4. Travelling (I'm loving it!!!).
5. Of coz' la taking my driving this January.
6. One thing yg aku teringin mo buat sangat, scuba diving...
7. Finding a good job which I loved to do & enjoyed.
8. The other half of me?! Hmmm...If I can find it, I'll let you know...
9. Enjoyed every single moment in my life with happiness.
10. Love, Respect, React & Respond to my enviroment and everybody.

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